Knowledge you can trust. Experience you can rely on.


I help people navigate the nuances of probate real estate to arrive at the best solution, in the shortest amount of time, with the least stress possible. 


What Is Probate Real Estate

Probate Real Estate refers to a property inherited in the course of the death of another person. Probate is part of a legal process and should be approached with forethought and knowledge of the legalities and options of Probate Real Estate transactions.  

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How I Can help

Going through the probate real estate process can feel daunting and frustrating.  I walk side by side with your attorney and you to navigate the many duties associated with the liquidation of estate real property holdings. Making the right choices at this stage is critical. 

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Read The Blog

I want this website to be a valuable resource for anyone in the Probate Real Estate process. Please visit the blog for regular updates to a growing body of information on Probate Real Estate-related topics. Let me know if you'd like to discuss anything you read on the blog. 

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As a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist, I walk along side you to help you make the right decisions regarding your probate real estate. My work is about simplifying, clarifying and supporting you.


Helping others isn't a chore; it is one of the greatest gifts there is. 

Liya Kebede   



Excellence in Service...

"...He makes things extremely easy to understand and also is able to help clients be clear on what to expect and approximately when...." - Joy Ranin