Why You Should Utilize Your Probate Realtor’s Network of Home Services

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A loved one has passed and named you the executor of their estate, which includes their home. Whether you plan to sell the property or move in yourself, chances are you will need help along the way in getting the house ready for whomever shall live in it. 

Depending on the condition of your loved one’s home any of the following services may need to be arranged:

Utility Repairs

Electrical wiring, plumbing, heating and A/C should all be checked for safety, updates and repairs. Getting an inspection prior will help narrow down areas of focus. If the home is more than 20 years old, upgrades for energy and water efficiency may also be needed. 

Structural Repairs

From the roof to insulation, windows and doors, internal walls, exterior siding, on down to the basement and foundation, if there are damages these will need to be fixed. If you plan to renovate, structural repairs will need to come first. 


If the home’s appliances are old, it’s likely time for them to be replaced. Investing in energy saving appliances will also help add value to the home. Check with your county and city governments, there are programs for tax rebates and other incentives available for Energy Star rated units.

Packing and Storage

Before anyone can move in, your loved one’s things will need to be dealt with. During probate this may take longer than anticipated. If you need the house cleared out before all is said and done, a storage unit may be the ideal solution.

Cleaning and Landscaping

These services are truly worth the expense. Nothing compares to the incredible deep-clean and gardening work done by professionals. These steps are critical in enhancing curb appeal and preparing to sell a property. 

When you have a referral network of trustworthy businesses at hand, prepping a probate real estate property is much easier. A Probate Realtor® can make the home-prep part of your probate process an easier one.  Instead of spending hours going through different companies to interview and hire them directly, one in-depth conversation with your Probate Realtor® can get the ball rolling allowing you to focus on other matters. 

There are multiple phases within the probate timeline, one of which is preparing a property for it’s next stage. Whatever your circumstances, having an experienced Realtor® to help with every step of the process will help make your probate real estate experience easier and less stressful. Please contact me today to discuss how I can help.

I’m here to help you with all your probate real estate needs.

Stephen Theard

*This post is not intended to provide legal advice. Before making legal decisions, consult an attorney.

Understanding Probate Terms: Part 1

Probate Real Estate: When You're Willed a Home